How To Authenticate Tom Ford Glasses

A stunning fashion look with the right pair of Tom Ford shades guarantees you an A+ in any fashion contest. The Tom Ford brand is known to raise inquisitive awareness among observers. It reflects class, elegance, style, and adds a unique finish to your overall look. However, there are lots of counterfeits sold in a large scale daily. How then do you authenticate your Tom Ford Glasses? Let's get right to it!
Inspect The Lens
Starting with the obvious, all Tom Ford shades have the brand name imprinted on the top-corner of their lens. During your inspection, you should look out for the proper positioning of the brand name. When looking through the sunglasses from within, the brand name should be imprinted on the upper-left corner. While imprinted on the upper-right of the lens when checking from the outside.
Also, the characters of the Tom Ford lettering has a detailed twist for the original sunglasses. The "O's" on the lettering should be rounded and not oval. Counterfeits tend to have oval "O's" written on them. Be on the lookout for these positions and characters to spot the fakes.
Take A Closer Look On The Tip Of Arms
The authentic Tom Ford sunglasses come with the brand name imprinted on the metal plaques. The metal plaques serve as an extension of the frame and inserted into the outer tips of the arms. Watch out for printed stamps in exchange for the etched prints on an original piece. That's a crystal clear sign of a counterfeit.
Another sign impossible to imitate by fake dealers is the product's serial number etched into the arm. The absence of the serial number on the inner tip of the left arm indicates a fake Tom Ford's product.
Check The Arms
Make sense of the imprintings on the inner arms, to be sure it is similar to the product in your possession. With a simple Google check, the inscriptions written on the inner left arm could provide a lot of details. The information is written in the order of style, model, color, and the dimension of the lens, nose bridge, length of the arm. Your Google check would help confirm the style and model.
Taking a close look at the glasses from the inside, the inward arm shares a piece of information likewise. You should see the brand name, "Made In Italy", and a CE stamp. The CE stamp denotes that the product was manufactured obeying EU regulations.
What best way to know the authenticity of a product than where it is produced? The Tom Ford sunglasses brand is manufactured in Italy. Produced by Marcolin S.p.A, a subsidiary of the Marcolin Group. With this information, we should expect that all paperwork accompanying the product has the Marcolin S.p.A header. On the other hand, it automatically means counterfeits skip this detail when making a pseudo brand.
It is easier to spot out the fakes by looking out for the factory production information always on the original shades. Sometimes, the fake brands spell the Marcolin S.p.A wrong or omit the dots in between the abbrev. These are clear pointers of counterfeits Tom Ford sunglasses.
Pseudo brands take advantage of the trusted and premium market already created by elite brands. They exploit the increasing demand and constant want for brands like Tom Ford. Without an enlightened piece as this, lots of individuals have fallen victims to their tricks. Never again should you be scared of shopping for a Tom Ford sunglasses after reading this. Love Tom Ford shades? Shop with confidence today!